An inquiry has been launched after a couple were caught apparently having sex on the rooftop of a USC building - allegedly in front of hundreds of people.
Officials at the university were outraged as photographs of the couple - many of which were too graphic to be shown here - quickly went viral.
The images apparently show the man, who is a student at the university, and a woman cavorting in a variety of sexual positions on top of the school's 12-storey Waite Phillips Hall in Los Angeles on Saturday.
The woman has not been publicly identified but is not believed to be a student at the university, according to officials.
The building is the home of the university's School of Education, and is the second tallest on campus.
Their rendezvous took place in broad daylight - and, according to reports, as a 'philanthropy event' attended by 'hundreds' of other students took place in the quad below.
Instead of enjoying each other's company in the centre of the roof, where they arguably may not have been seen, the couple appear to have chosen to stay near the edge, ensuring they were in plain view.
Reports described their liaison as being of 'prolonged duration'.
The couple have not yet been publicly identified but USC's Kappa Sigma branch has admitted that the man in the photographs is a fraternity member.
He has been suspended 'for conduct unbecoming of a Kappa Sigma and a gentleman', according to the school newspaper the Daily Trojan.
The fraternity's president, Zach Timm, was quoted as saying: 'While the actions that were taken did involve a member of our chapter we, in no way, support this kind of behaviour, nor do we promote any such actions.'
He said that inquiries have been launched.
The identity of the woman remains a mystery. The Daily Trojan reported the photographs linked her to USC's Delta Gamma sorority because the philanthrophy event being held in the quad below.
However the sorority has denied the link, with a spokesman quoted as saying: 'There is absolutely no relationship between these circumstances and our women or our event, Anchor Splash, which benefits sight prevention and the visually impaired.'
A university official told the MailOnline that the woman is not believed to be a student at USC.
Meanwhile a top official at the board for fraternities at the California university has expressed his outrage.
The Daily Trojan quoted USC Interfraternity Council President Pat Lauer as saying he was 'appalled by the actions associated with the individuals in the pictures, and will work tirelessly to reverse the negative stereotypes such an action has perpetuated.

The student in question met with USC's student judicial affairs and community standards (SJACS) Monday about the issue, the MailOnline understands.
The university's decision as far as course of action has not yet been reached.
U.S. blog quoted campus gossip claiming that the man in the photographs had sent a sexist 'C***sman' email earlier in the month in which he described women as 'objects' and 'targets'.
It is not clear who took the photographs. LATaco claimed they were taken by an 'anonymous' person, but the Daily Trojan claimed the images had been posted to Facebook.
The images appear to have been taken by someone who was at eye level with the couple.
Judging by a campus map, the most likely place the photographer could have been was at the top of the 167ft Von KleinSmid Center Tower, across the Bogardius Courtyard from Waite Phillips Hall.