10 Jenis Hiu Unik di Dunia

1. Hammerhead Shark (Hiu Martil)
Hammerhead SharkMemiliki panjang antara 2 hingga 6 meter, dan semua spesies memiliki kepala menyerupai martil gepeng. Mata dan lubang hidup ada di ujung kepala. Mereka ditemukan di perairan hangat sepanjang garis pantai dan paparan benua. Kepala yang berbentuk seperti martil ini juga memberikan keuntungan berupa area penciuman yang lebih luas, meningkatkan potensi menemukan partikel di air sedikitnya 10 kali dibandingkan dengan hiu 'klasik' lainnya.

2. Goblin Shark
Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni)Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) pertama ditemukan di perairan jepang dan termasuk jenis hewan purba yang masih bisa bertahan hidup hingga saat ini. Jenis ini memiliki panjang hingga 3,3 meter serta bentuk yang unik dengan moncong pipih dan panjang. Spesimen sepanjang 4 meter pernah tertangkap diperairan tasmania tahun 2004 lalu. Biasanya hidup di kedalaman 250 meter. Spesimen terdalam yang pernah tertangkap ditemukan pada kedalaman 1.300 m.

3. Thresher Shark
Thresher Shark
Thresher sharks masuk dalam famili Alopiidae. Ditemukan di semua samudra beriklim sedang dan tropis dunia, terdiri dari tiga spesies, semua dalam genus Alopias. Common thresher (Alopias vulpinus), dapat mencapai panjang 6,1 meter (20 kaki) dan berat lebih dari 500 kilogram (1.100 lb). The Bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus) dapat mencapai panjang 4,9 m (16 kaki); Pelagic thresher (Alopias pelagicus) adalah yang terkecil, hanya 3 m (10 kaki). Selain itu, mulai dari gigi sampai ekor merupakan senjata untuk melumpuhkan mangsanya. Sayangnya, Hiu jenis ini telah mengalami penurunan populasi yang signifikan karena adanya penangkapan yang berlebihan.

4. Frilled Shark

Frilled Shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) adalah salah satu dari dua spesies ikan hiu dalam keluarga Chlamydoselachidae yang masih ada, dengan distribusi yang luas namun tidak merata di Atlantik dan Samudra Pasifik. Jarang terlihat di permukaan, jenis ini terkenal karena pertumbuhan gigi mereka yang aneh. Pada 21 januari 2007, frilled shark sepanjang 1.6 m (5.2 ft) pernah ditemukan oleh nelayan Jepang dalam keadaan hidup tapi sangat lemah. Ikan itu segera dibawa ke  Awashima Marine Park di Shizuoka, tapi mati setelah beberapa jam disana.

5. Spined Pygmy Shark

Spined pygmy shark (Squaliolus laticaudus) merupakan salah satu anggota terkecil dari keluarga hiu, panjang maksimumnya hanya 28 cm (11 inci). Spesies ini pernah ditemukan oleh anggota Komisi US Fish Steamer Albatross Ekspedisi Filipina antara 1907-1910. Meskipun pertama kali ditemukan di perairan Filipina, hiu ini tersebar di seluruh samudera yang ada dunia.

6. Whale Shark

Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) merupakan spesies ikan terbesar yang masih hidup. Whale Shark terbesar yang telah dikonfirmasi adalah sepanjang 12,65 meter (41,50 kaki). Beratnya lebih dari 36 ton. Banyak laporan (yang belum dapat dikonfirmasi) yang jauh lebih besar. Ditemukan di samudera tropis dan hangat, hidup di laut lepas dengan umur sekitar 70 tahun. Spesies ini berasal sekitar 60 juta tahun yang lalu. Meskipun hiu paus memiliki mulut yang sangat besar, makanan utama meraka adalah plankton, tanaman dan hewan mikroskopis. Namun, program BBC Planet Earth pernah merekam seekor Whale Shark memakan sekelompok ikan kecil

7. Saw Shark

Bentuknya hampir sama dengan ikan gergaji, sebagian besar tersebar dari perairan Afrika Selatan ke Australia dan Jepang, tinggalnya di kedalaman 40 meter dan tahun 1960 hiu ini ditemukan di perairan yang lebih dalam (640 m sampai 915 m) dari barat laut Karibia.

8. Greenland Shark

Merupakan salah satu Hiu terbesar dari perairan Samudera Atlantik Utara sekitar Greenland dan Islandia. Hiu ini hidup jauh di utara daripada spesies ikan hiu lainnya. Hiu jenis ini dapat tumbuh hingga 6,4 m (21 kaki) dan mencapai berat 1000 kg.

9. Megamouth Shark

Megamouth Shark (Megachasma pelagios) merupakan jenis hiu yang sangat langka. Sejak pertama ditemukan pada tahun 1976 hingga tahun 2010, hanya 50 ekor saja tertangkap atau terlihat. Megamouth Shark dapat tumbuh hingga 18 kaki dan berat mencapai 2,5 ton.

10. Whorl-tooth Shark [Helicoprion]

Hiu berumur panjang ini pertama kali muncul di lautan Karbon dan banyak yang berpikir bahwa Hiu ini hanyalah mutasi, tetapi menurut catatan fosil menunjukkan bahwa ia hidup antara 280 dan 225 juta tahun yang lalu. Dan yang aneh adalah penemuan batu berbentuk "lingkaran gigi" di daerah Idaho, Wyoming dan Utah.

Sumber : http://www.apakabardunia.com/post/tahukah-kamu/10-jenis-hiu-unik-di-dunia

Penyelam Tewas Diserang 2 Hiu Putih

Kepolisian Australia mengatakan bahwa seorang penyelam tewas di wilayah lepas pantai Australia Selatan akibat serangan 2 hiu putih raksasa. Serangan terjadi Kamis (17/2/2011) pekan lalu di dekat permukaan perairan yang terletak di 15 mil sebelah barat Coffin Bay National Park. Hiu putih memang sering ditemui di wilayah itu.

Penyelam itu tengah mencari Abalone, jenis kerang laut besar yang bisa dimakan, ketika diserang. Hingga pencarian Jumat kemarin, mayat penyelam belum ditemukan. Seorang kapten kapal boat yang membawa penyelam menyaksikan serangan tersebut. "Tak ada cara baginya untuk bertahan dari serangan," kata kapten yang tak disebutkan namanya.

Petugas layanan ambulans mengatakan bahwa setelah serangan terjadi, kapten kapal kembali ke pantai. Di sana, ia dirawat karena shock.

Bisnis abalone merupakan bisnis bernilai 50 juta dollar AS di Australia Selatan sehingga banyak orang melakukannya. Sejak tahun 1985, orang telah terbunuh karena hiu di perairan Australia.

Sumber : www.aolnews.com

Bull Shark (Hiu Banteng)

Bull Shark (Hiu Banteng) adalah hiu paling berbahaya bagi manusia. Besarnya data serangan hiu terhadat manusia adalah berkat Bull Shark ini.

Hiu Banteng (Carcharhinus leucas), juga dikenal sebagai hiu Zambezi atau Zambi di Afrika dan hiu Nikaragua di Nikaragua. Banyak ditemukan di perairan dangkal dan hangat sepanjang pantai, dan dikenal karena kelakuannya yang tidak dapat diprediksi, kadang-kadang agresif.

Karena Hiu Banteng sering tinggal di perairan dangkal, mereka lebih berbahaya bagi manusia daripada spesies hiu lain. Hiu Banteng bersama dengan hiu harimau dan hiu putih, merupakan tiga spesies hiu yang paling mungkin menyerang manusia.

Berbeda dengan kebanyakan hiu, Hiu Banteng toleran terhadap air tawar. Hal ini sangat langka ditemukan pada hiu laut. Dengan ini mereka bisa pergi jauh menelusuri hulu sungai. Meskipun begitu mereka bukan hiu sungai (genus glyphis) sejati.

Hiu Banteng sangat, sangat, berbahaya. Hiu Banteng diduga bertanggung jawab atas sebagian besar serangan hiu terhadap manusia di dekat pantai, juga serangan terhadap spesies lain. Hiu ini bertanggung jawab atas 69 serangan, 17 diantaranya berakhir dengan kematia.

Hiu Banteng mendapatkan nama dari moncong mereka yang gempal, datar, dan lebar (lebih lebar dari tubuh mereka), juga karena perilaku agresif tak terduga. Beberapa nama lain Hiu banteng yaitu Sundarbans, Ganges shark, Zambezi River shark (Zambi). Ganges River Shark, Fitzroy Creek Whaler, van Rooyen’s Shark, Lake Nicaragua Shark, river shark, freshwater whaler, estuary whaler, Swan River Whaler, cub shark, dan shovelnose shark.

Sebuah fakta menarik adalah bahwa hiu banteng betina berukuran lebih besar dari hiu jantan. Hiu Banteng juga memiliki banyak barisan gigi, yang memudahkannya merobe kkorban sampai hancur.

Hiu Banteng akan memakan hampir apapun, dari kura-kura ke hiu lainnya. Masalah dengan hiu banteng adalah bahwa mereka berenang dekat dengan pantai, dan bisa hidup di air tawar.


any thing worth £3,000 trillion

Earth is worth £3,000 trillion, according to an astrophysicist who claims to have created a formula to calculate the value of a planet.

The astrophysicist, Greg Laughlin, came up with the figure by calculating the sum of the planet's age, size, temperature , mass and other vital statistics – and Earth came out as the most expensive.

"The formula makes you realize just how precious Earth is and I hope it will help us as a society safeguard what we have," he said.

Earth is worth £3,000 trillion, according to an astrophysicist who claims to have created a formula to calculate the value of a planet.

The astrophysicist, Greg Laughlin, came up with the figure by calculating the sum of the planet's age, size, temperature , mass and other vital statistics – and Earth came out as the most expensive.

"The formula makes you realize just how precious Earth is and I hope it will help us as a society safeguard what we have," he said.

Mars was only valued at £10,000, while Venus is said to be worth less than a penny. There are about 1,235 other planets in the universe, most of which weren't given a high price tag because of their inhospitable climates.

Hiu Tak Bisa Bedakan Warna

Menurut penelitian terbaru yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari University of Western Australia, diketahui bahwa ikan hiu tidak dapat membedakan warna. Buta warna pada hiu ini bisa membawa manfaat bagi perenang, peselancar, dan bahkan hiu itu sendiri.

Menggunakan teknik yang disebut Micro-spektrofotometri, sekelompok peneliti yang dipimpin oleh Nathan Hart Scott melihat ke dalam sel retina dari 17 spesies ikan hiu di perairan Queensland dan Australia Barat.

Hiu Tak Bisa Bedakan Warna

Dalam semua 17 spesies, para peneliti menemukan, sel penerima cahaya (sel fotoreseptor) yang paling umum digunakan adalah 'rod cell' yang sangat sensitif terhadap cahaya dan memungkinkan hiu untuk melihat dalam gelap. Namun, dengan sel tersebut, hiu tidak dapat membedakan warna.

Selain itu, hiu tidak memiliki cukup 'cone cell' yang dapat merespon langsung cahaya pada panjang gelombang tertentu. Sebagai perbandingan, mata manusia memiliki berbagai jenis 'cone cell' untuk membedakan warna yang tertangkap mata.

Dalam 10 dari 17 jenis hiu yang diteliti, tidak ada 'cone cell' yang ditemukan. Hanya ada 7 jenis hiu yang memiliki 'cone cell', akan tetapi hanya satu jenis 'cone cell', yang hanya peka terhadap panjang gelombang sekitar 530 nanometer, merupakan panjang gelombang untuk warna hijau.

"Dengan ini berarti sistem retina hiu mampu membedakan misalnya antara abu-abu dan abu-abu,gelap," kata Scott Hart seperti dikutip dari Science Daily, 19 Januari 2011. "Namun, kemungkinan besar, hiu tidak bisa membedakan warna abu-abu dengan warna lain,"katanya.

Sumber: Shark Can not Distinguish Colors

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How to Review Your Homeowners Insurance Renewal Statement

For most of us, our home is our single largest and most important investment. Many of us have poured thousands of dollars and countless hours into maintaining, improving and (hopefully) paying off our homes. Many people own their homes free of any mortgage. These assets are pure equity. Certainly its worthwhile to invest 15 minutes a year to be sure it's properly insured.

Thankfully, the insurance company offers you a perfect reminder and opportunity in sending out your annual renewal statement. Even if your insurance is paid by your mortgage company as part of your impound account, the insurance company still mails you a statement of renewal every year to update you with your current coverage limits and deductible.

Here's a few important steps you can take to be sure that HOME SWEET HOME is properly protected.

1. Check the basics. Check your name, address and any other description of the insured property. Make sure there's been no change of vesting or ownership that needs to be updated. Check your address to be sure no numbers are transposed.

2. Check the mortgagee clause. Here's where you can be sure that the current mortagee on your home is listed correctly. Check the lender, address and your loan number. Be sure there's no old information there. Maybe you had a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) or a second mortgage that no longer applies. Be sure to get them removed.

HEADS UP: Whenever you have a significant claim, the mortgage company will be one of the payees on your claim settlement check. Just that alone can be an inconvenience. But it becomes a major hassle when one of the institutions listed no longer has a vested interest in your home. The insurance company is bound by contract to include the mortgage company on all settlement checks beyond a stated threshold.

*3. Check the coverage on your home (dwelling or building). This is without question the single most important coverage to examine, consider and adjust whenever necessary. Having been an agent during the two raging firestorms in San Diego, CA in this decade, I can tell you that underinsured homes are just NO FUN! Two of my clients lost their homes in the 2003 fires and fortunately they were both adequately insured. (we call all our homeowner clients once a year to review their coverages and suggest improvements and adjustments) But I can tell you that there were literally hundreds of people in the area that were not so fortunate. Many were underinsured by over $100,000! Contractors were giving rebuilding bids on homes for $400,000 with insurance policies with limits less than $300,000. See if that doesn't tweak your financial well-being just a little. Here's the solution.

Get an accurate rendering of the square footage of your home. Check county records, take a look at zillow.com, call your favorite Realtor, or get a tape measure and do your thing. Usually you don't include the garage in this calculation. Once you get your square footage, then you need to determine the building cost per square foot in your area for a home like yours. Call a local contractor for a quick estimate or you can call your insurance agent. Average costs in San Diego run about $200 per square foot. With that, a 2000 square foot would take about $400,000 to rebuild. Custom homes can be significantlly more. For a more complete discussion of this, check out: How Much Homeowners Insurance Do You REALLY Need?

Your contents coverage is usually 75% of the amount you have on your home. For example, if you have $400,000 on your home, you'll have an additional $300,000 to cover your personal property (furniture, clothing, dishes, TV, collections, shoes, tools, etc) Usually this is enough, but think through it anyway. If you have antiques, art, collections of any kind then you may need more. Ask your agent for help if you need to.

4. Look at your Personal Liability Coverage. This is the coverage you need when you get sued. Little Johnny runs across your front yard and trips on one of your sprinklers and ruins his chances to become America's Next Top Model and his parents sue your for $250,000. Make sure you don't scrimp here. It's not too expensive to get $500,000 or even $1 Million of liability coverage. If you have $100,000 or less, you could be setting yourself up for a mess just waiting to happen. Put a really big checkbook between your assets and someone who sees an injury as a lifetime paycheck. You might even consider a Liability Umbrella.

5. Check your 'special limits'. This is a REALLY BROAD subject that I just can't do justice to here in this post. Simply stated, there's limits on many things such as cash, computers, cameras, jewelry, furs, goldware, silverware, tools, etc. Call your company and ask for a review. You can increase many of these limits for just a few dollars a year. Sometimes the available increase isn't enough. That's the perfect time to consider a Personal Articles Floater (or it's called many different names) It's a policy that's designed to place stated amounts of coverage on many items from jewelry, business tools, iPods, hearing aids, cameras, musical instruments and on and on. If you have more than 'the average Joe' of ANYTHING, then check this out FOR SURE!

6. Check your deductible! This can be a tremendous cost-control tool in your insurance spending. Simply stated: The larger your deductible, the greater your savings. Usually you can save close to $100 per year just by going from a $500 deductible to $1000. Pick the largest number you can stand without losing sleep at night and ask your agent or company the savings you'd realize by changing. If you have a $250 or smaller deductible, it's definitely time to change it UP! Keep in mind that you usually hit a point of 'diminishing returns' once you get to $4000 or more. This means that you'll save less and less for each additional $1000 you choose. It might make sense to go from $1000 to $2000 if you save $85 a year by doing so, but not from $5000 to $6000 if you only save another $21 by making that jump.

Monitoring your insurance costs and coverages can result in a lot of savings AND peace of mind. Be sure you keep notes and file your thoughts and changes from year to year. These recoreds will make your annual call quicker and easier each year.

Feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions.

Till next time...

It's a Good Life !

Dresses at the Oscars 2011

Best and worst dressed at the Oscars 2011
Virginia Madsen
Grade: C-
Virginia Madsen looked a little “Black Swan” in her feathered Romona Keveza frock. The actress topped off her ensemble with messy tresses and chandelier earrings.

Sharon Stone
Grade: D+
Is it just us, or does Sharon Stone remind you a little of Cruella de Vil in her feather-adorned one-shoulder Christian Dior gown?
Scarlett Johansson
Grade: B+
The newly single starlet turned plenty of heads in a risqué Dolce & Gabbana magenta lace gown and sexy bedhead hair. Ryan Reynolds eat your heart out!
Sandra Bullock
Grade: A
2010’s Best Actress winner was simply elegant in a strapless scarlet Vera Wang gown, which she accessorized perfectly with a simple updo, crocodile clutch, and ruby red lips.
Russell Brand
Grade: B+
Mirren’s “Arthur” co-star stood out in a blue-and-black suit, which he paired with a matching checked shirt and greasy locks.
Robert Downey Jr.
Grade: A
Although he typically dons rather outlandish red carpet getups, RDJ (with wife Susan) successfully toned it down for this year’s Academy Awards.
Reese Witherspoon
Grade: A
The newly engaged actress channeled ’60s Hollywood glamour in a black-and-white Giorgio Armani Prive column gown and blond bouffant ‘do.
Nicole Kidman
Grade: D
Unfortunately, the “Rabbit’s Hole” Best Actress nominee did not put her best foot forward in an Asian-inspired embroidered Christian Dior Spring 2009 Couture gown, which sort of resembled a napkin. The dress was somewhat saved by her vintage Fred Leighton diamond choker.
Natalie Portman
Grade: A
The “Black Swan” Best Actress winner showcased her burgeoning baby bump in a plum, off-the-shoulder Rodarte gown. Tiffany & Co. tassel earrings set off her dress, and though pregnant, she dared to wear Jimmy Choo heels for her walk down the red carpet.
Mila Kunis
Grade: B-
The “Black Swan” beauty looked lovely in a lacy lavender Elie Saab gown. Sideswept bangs and diamond earrings completed her ethereal ensemble.
Michelle Williams
Grade: B
The “Blue Valentine” Best Actress nominee was chic as can be in an embellished Chanel dress and pixie cut. Nude makeup and Harry Winston diamond earrings completed her classic look.
Melissa Leo
Grade: D+
“The Fighter’s” Best Supporting Actress winner sported a Marc Bouwer creation for her big night that unfortunately resembled a giant doily.
Matthew McConaughey
Grade: A
The Dolce & Gabbana clad “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” star was upstaged by his baby mama Camila Alves, who was simply sublime in a Kaufman Franco gown.
Mark Wahlberg
Grade: B+
“The Fighter” star scored a knockout in his Giorgio Armani tux thanks to his best accessory, his wife Rhea Durham, who wore a Naeem Khan design.
Mark Ruffalo
Grade: A-
“The Kids Are All Right” Best Supporting Actor nominee was sexy in his tux and salt-and-pepper hair.
Marisa Tomei
Grade: D+
The Oscar-winning actress (“My Cousin Vinny”) failed to impress in an ill-fitting vintage 1950s Charles James Couture dress from Lily et Cie.
Maria Menounos
Grade: B
The “Access Hollywood” correspondent played it safe in a black velvet Johanna Johnson one-sleeved number, which she set off with an attention-grabbing piece of bling.
Mandy Moore
Grade: C
The singer — who performed her song from “Tangled” — blended in with the crowd in her nude, crystal-encrusted Monique Lhuillier gown.

Justin Timberlake
Grade: B+
The singer-turned-movie-star cleaned up nicely in his Tom Ford tux.

Julia Ormond
Grade: C
The British “Temple Grandin” actress graced the red carpet in a strapless lace gown.
Josh Brolin
Grade: B-
The “No Country for Old Men” star bucked the black trend and opted for a navy three-piece suit.
Jesse Eisenberg
Grade: B
Timberlake’s “Social Network” co-star and Best Actor nominee dressed for the occasion in a Band of Outsiders suit.
Jeremy Renner
Grade: A-
The dapper Best Supporting Actor nominee (“The Town”) gave a salute to style on the Academy Awards red carpet.
Jennifer Lawrence
Grade: A
The “Winter’s Bone” Best Actress nominee sizzled in a simple-yet-sexy Calvin Klein creation, long flowing locks, and minimal jewelry provided by Chopard .

Jennifer Hudson
Grade: A
JHud strutted her fab new physique in a tangerine va-va-va-voom Versace halter gown.

Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz
Grade: A
“Biutiful’s” Best Actor nominee donned Gucci for Hollywood’s biggest night, and was joined on the red carpet by his beautiful wife Penelope, who rocked a dazzling red L’Wren Scott gown. Can you believe she only gave birth to their son one month ago?

Jackie Weaver
Grade: B-
The Best Supporting Actress nominee for “Animal Kingdom” sparkled in a bejeweled gown designed by fellow Aussie Collette Dinnigan, which she paired with metallic clutch and a smile.
Hugh Jackman
Grade: B+
The Aussie hunk switched things up with a double-breasted Ferragamo tux, while his wife Deborra-Lee suffered a fashion flop thanks to her black-and-white feathery wrap.
Hilary Swank
Grade: B
Although the two-time Oscar winner looked stunning in her strapless Gucci gown, we feel like we’ve seen this feathered-metallic combo a million times before.
Helena Bonham Carter
Grade: B-
The always eccentric Best Supporting Actress nominee for “The King’s Speech” surprised us with a relatively conservative black bustier ensemble created by “Alice in Wonderland” costume designer Colleen Atwood. Bonham Carter, who accessorized with a fan-shaped clutch, said, “I thought it would be nice to celebrate film instead of fashion.”
Helen Mirren
Grade: A-
The Dame reigned supreme in a gunmetal gray Vivienne Westwood gown, Cartier diamonds, and a short ‘do. Can you believe she’s 65?
Halle Berry
Grade: A
Halle was flawless as usual in a crystal encrusted Marchesa gown and a spiky cropped coif.
Hailee Steinfeld
Grade: A
The Best Supporting Actress nominee picked the perfect pale pink Marchesa frock for her first trip down the Oscars red carpet. The 14-year-old “True Grit” star even helped Marchesa design the one-of-a-kind creation!
Gwyneth Paltrow
Grade: A-
The “Country Strong” songstress looked like California Barbie thanks to her shimmering Calvin Klein creation, stick-straight blond locks, and glowing tan.
Florence Welch
Grade: D
The Florence and the Machine lead singer looked more appropriately dressed to front a band called Florence and the Frontier in her frumpy, tiered Valentino number.
Erin Andrews
Grade: B
All eyes were on ESPN sportscaster/”Dancing With the Stars” alum thanks to her silver Kaufman Franco dress.
Donald and Melania Trump
Grade: B-
The Donald rocked his signature coif, while wife Melania made the scene in a Dolce & Gabbana gown.
Daphne Zuniga
Grade: C+
While we were surprised to see the “One Tree Hill” star on the Oscars red carpet, she was apparently there to support her designer friend Nicole Miller. Of course, Daphne wore one of Miller’s gowns to the show.
Dale Dickey
Grade: B
The “Winter’s Bone” star, who took home the Best Supporting Actress Independent Spirit Award on Saturday night, sparkled in a blue dress that accentuated her fit figure.
Colin Firth
Grade: A
“The King’s Speech” Best Actor winner, who was accompanied by his beautiful wife Livia, was debonnaire in his Tom Ford suit.

Christian Bale
Grade: C
Bale, who took home the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance in “The Fighter,” accessorized his black-on-black Gucci tux with a bushy ginger beard and his stunning wife Sibi.
Cheryl Hines
Grade: B
The “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star stepped out in a shimmery black sweetheart gown, which she accessorized with a glam diamond necklace and a casual updo.
Celine Dion
Grade: B+
Although Celine Dion just gave birth to twin boys last October, you’d never know it! The “My Heart Will Go On” songstress looked svelte and sleek in Armani Prive. Loose locks and a Van Cleef & Arpels necklace completed her ensemble.
Cate Blanchett
Grade: B-
The always fashion-forward actress donned a pale lavender silk chiffon Givenchy Couture gown, which she paired with Van Cleef & Arpels jewels. Do you think the stylish star pulled off her outside-of-the-box look?
Busy Philipps
Grade: B-
The “Cougar Town” star got all glammed up in a black fishtail gown to attend the Academy Awards as her best friend Michelle Williams’ date. She’s come a long way from “Freaks and Geeks,” eh?
Annette Bening
Grade: A
“The Kids Are All Right” Best Actress nominee might have missed out on the big prize, but scored top marks on the red carpet thanks to her sparkling Art Deco gown by Naeem Khan.
Anne Hathaway
Grade: B
The Oscars co-host struck a pose in a red vintage Valentino bustle gown. Do you think the ruffled rose detailing is frumpy … or fabulous?

Andrew Garfield
Grade: B+
The star of the upcoming “Spider-Man” reboot was ready for action in his Louis Vuitton tux.
Amy Adams
Grade: A-
“The Fighter’s” Best Supporting Actress nominee sparkled in a form-fitting midnight blue L’Wren Scott gown and emerald-and-diamond Cartier jewels, which perfectly set off her strawberry blond locks.
Aishwarya Rai
Grade: B+
The Bollywood beauty struck a statuesque pose in a copper-colored creation by Armani.
Source : Yahoo